More projects and innovation on the road to Latvia
This year a potential investment of €1.9 billion in 40 projects are targeting Latvia, among which Marcegaglia steel and Roche biotech.
This year a potential investment of €1.9 billion in 40 projects are targeting Latvia, among which Marcegaglia steel and Roche biotech.
The investment is worth over EUR 100 million, where architectural aesthetics and solutions will create a pleasant experience for both customers and employees.
Uncertainty is the key factor in Estonia’s GDP forecast, which is built on the back of the 2022 downturn: energy and consumer prices, purchasing power, and business confidence.
The Polish industrial production fell 1.2% YoY, with GDP growth down to 1% in Q1. Wages continue to feed inflation, putting pressure on real disposable incomes.
Lithuania has experienced a renaissance during the pandemic in the robotics, automation, and AI sectors. Now planning to start developing RaaS.
The rapid growth in wages drives domestic inflation. While higher energy prices, reduced access to raw materials, and weaker demand hamper exports.
Lithuania is the EU’s largest fintech hub by licenses issued with an 80% increase in the income generated and 19% more employees last year.
e-Residency created an environment for entrepreneurs able to generate 1.8 billion euros in turnover and create 6,700+ jobs in Estonia.
Saldo Bank offers fully automated lending solutions for consumers and SME customers plus term deposit accounts for consumer customers.
Life sciences make up 2.5 percent of Vilnius’ GDP creation, looking to figure hit 5 percent by 2030. The sector sees year-on-year growth of 22 percent.