Bank loans are the fire burning under the ashes
Difficulties in repaying loans can be a serious worry for households and businesses as the risks coming from Sweden are still high.
Difficulties in repaying loans can be a serious worry for households and businesses as the risks coming from Sweden are still high.
Riga is paying great attention to clean energy projects which involve a high degree of investment, R&D and nature conservation in return.
Large-scale manufacturing projects in defense are part of national security, where tax incentives include a 0% corporate income tax for 20 years.
Timid manufacturing alongside a recovery in demand indicates weak exports, while pro-social government policies pump wages at the expense of productivity.
LIAA has opened a new support program up to EUR 200,000 for start-ups to attract highly qualified staff in R&D in areas of smart specialization or RIS3.
In Lithuania, healthcare professionals have become a rare commodity, whereas liberalization and privatization would allocate accountability more efficiently.
In Poland, the MPC will stick to its cautious approach and refrain from monetary easing this year: CPI inflation will start climbing again.
Latvia’s economy is projected to be sluggish: labour costs present risks to growth and competitiveness, while fuelling inflation.
Additional problems arise when the state softens the recession, widening the budget deficit with additional money into the economy.
Lithuania’s optimism assumes a rapidly increasing household real income: will wages keep rising faster than prices with no consequences?