Defense and dual-use technology investments are set to boost growth
Tallinn enhances Estonia’s security and promotes economic growth by supporting local defence industry companies with a new €50 mln equity fund
Tallinn enhances Estonia’s security and promotes economic growth by supporting local defence industry companies with a new €50 mln equity fund
The Polish-Korean Business Forum took place to strengthen the already solid business relations with a focus on high-tech, clean energy, and electric vehicles.
Large-scale manufacturing projects in defense are part of national security, where tax incentives include a 0% corporate income tax for 20 years.
LIAA has opened a new support program up to EUR 200,000 for start-ups to attract highly qualified staff in R&D in areas of smart specialization or RIS3.
From the University of Latvia comes the feasibility of generating electricity by converting geothermal or waste heat.
Estonia should build on the competitive advantages of an efficient business environment and wide digital experience to escape stagflation.
Progress in FDI attraction comes even within the public sector, where Wroclaw, Vilnius, Tallinn set a benchmark for business-friendliness.
Lithuania is optimizing the digital process to facilitate data collection, storage, analysis, aggregation, and reporting to the financial actors.
Half of Latvia’s electricity in 2022 came from renewable sources (53.3%). And regarding renewable energy of all sorts, it ranks third in the EU.
Every euro invested in wetland restoration can generate a return between €8-€38 as future savings, with a positive impact on biodiversity and climate.