Stability and export cut inflation and protect money value
While the global economic situation is deteriorating, the focus should be reversed on GDP growth and net exports, targeting core inflation.
While the global economic situation is deteriorating, the focus should be reversed on GDP growth and net exports, targeting core inflation.
Lithuania is one of Europe’s most digitized countries, easing economic crosscurrents through targeted stimulus, FDI, and global partnerships.
Saldo Bank offers fully automated lending solutions for consumers and SME customers plus term deposit accounts for consumer customers.
Life sciences make up 2.5 percent of Vilnius’ GDP creation, looking to figure hit 5 percent by 2030. The sector sees year-on-year growth of 22 percent.
While analysts predict disinflation, Poland faces increasing energy prices for households linked to higher indirect tax rates. And food prices continue to rise.
In Estonia, consumers have not been able to keep pace with inflation in recent months, and retail sales volumes have started to fall.
Ze Pak and Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power will assess the feasibility of building four 1,400-megawatt nuclear reactors in central Poland, using South Korean technology.
For those who are trying to understand how much money is reasonable to invest in the current conditions, Latvia offers a tailor-made agenda.
Lithuania’s economy keeps growing (1.3% in 2023). But the stabilization is fragile, and the balance of risks is negative. The global outlook is worsening.
The forecasts for Latvia see a persistently high degree of uncertainty. GDP is revised downwards to 2.1%, with a 5.6% contraction in household consumption.