
Latvia in a mission to promote export and attract R&D

Last week, the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) presented missionLatvia, the latest version of the nation’s brand strategy, a mission to promote export and attract R&D. The updated positioning will be used to attract foreign investments and put Latvia in the global media spotlight.

The idea is that missionLatvia, or a country with a mission, will establish global associations with Latvia, positioning it as a country that recognises the need for change and acts in the name of a common goal. The strategic goal is to advocate for the values of nature and sustainability, while also echoing and promoting the development of innovations on a Latvian scale.

 “Latvia has enormous potential to develop its economy and become stronger, more prosperous and safer. Technologies are evolving and changing our daily lives. Being in the digital environment allows different generations to advance their careers, improve their skills and talents and learn new things. Each of us has unique skills and ideas for generating innovation and new jobs. Because together we create a prosperous and innovative society, together we create a thriving economy, together we take care of our country with a sense of mission for Latvia, and together we create an image of Latvia for the world”, says the Minister of Economics Ilze Indriksone.

It is expected that the new strategy will increase the amount of attracted investments to 2.45 billion euro over the next three years. The positioning of missionLatvia is expected to increase the annual average amount of taxes paid by 150 million euro, promote exports by 300 million and increase investment in R&D by an average of 35 million per year.

The mission approach is based on the knowledge that change can begin with one person, idea, or initiative, but solving problems is only possible when people work together. missionLatvia tells the story of Latvian values and what they can give to the world. It is the story of every citizen willing to get Latvia’s name out there by working on local significant challenges and making a contribution on a European scale.

Latvia will be the first country in the world to use the Mission approach to coordinate activities and create connections to achieve results. Currently, the main identified missions are Mission Sea 2030, which aims to reduce Baltic Sea pollution through innovation, and the DNS mission, which aims to preserve and digitize Latvia’s cultural heritage, allowing events and traditions to live longer and beyond their physical location.

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