Poland: the goods trade deficit is still here
December data show a deficit of PLN 0.1bn in the country’s current account, with trade in goods declined the sharpest in 2023.
December data show a deficit of PLN 0.1bn in the country’s current account, with trade in goods declined the sharpest in 2023.
The value of the export of apples in January 2022 was $28,000, and a year later it increased by 50 times. The result for the whole of 2023 is almost $5 mln
In a rush to buy weapons to modernize its armed forces, the Polish army is now exercising to incorporate 366 US Abrams tanks.
In a deteriorating context, NBP faces the pro-inflationary impact of fiscal easing, regulatory decisions, and the uncertain economic outlook.
Last November the downward trend in export goods continued (-8.3% to 12 months prior). The value of goods imports decreased by 13.8%.
Setting a more realistic date for coal exit will allow the selection of units that will stay on line to keep system supplied while attracting green investments.
CEE inflation remains markedly higher than in the West, and is unlikely to get back on track till late-2025.
Relations with the EU represent the crucial point for the future of Warsaw, which has become the most reliable ally for the USA in the continent.
GDP growth to be close to 2% YoY in 4Q23 and around 0.4% for the whole year, but the level of core prices stands still (8%).
The transparency in public finance is key for better controlling public spending: with 5.5-6% of GDP Warsaw has the highest deficit in the EU.