Defence is now a core demand to address in business
While companies emphasize the need to hire highly qualified staff in cybersecurity, Poland’s role as a technology hub is going to fulfill it.
While companies emphasize the need to hire highly qualified staff in cybersecurity, Poland’s role as a technology hub is going to fulfill it.
Scientific cooperation between Poland and Mexico is being strengthened in the area of water and wastewater treatment.
Economic growth is still based on one pillar, and that’s consumption. With a persistently high core inflation, the question is: for how long?
In Poland, the energy shield withdrawal brings prices for house energy to rise, core to increase, and CPI to remain at elevated levels.
In Poland, construction output (-8.9% YoY ) was weaker than expected, while retail sales data indicates that sentiment remains cautious.
GDP growth in Q2 2024 was close to 3% YoY only thanks to consumption. Solid market economy will be back only upon the expiration of minimum wage policy.
Despite the deficit in May, a current account surplus of 0.8% of GDP is forecasted for 2024 thanks to the EU support and domestic demand.
Poland faces an increasing influx of refugees trying to reach EU countries via Belarus, hence the possibility of closing and guarding the 418 Km of border.
80% of respondents have used biometric security measures, and almost all individuals between the age of 18 and 25 have experience with biometrics.
Krakow UJ has developed a system that exploits neural networks with AI answering within a minute and is looking for clinical use as soon as possible.