Official narrative aside, upward inflation is over the horizon
The forecasts for Latvia see a persistently high degree of uncertainty. GDP is revised downwards to 2.1%, with a 5.6% contraction in household consumption.
The forecasts for Latvia see a persistently high degree of uncertainty. GDP is revised downwards to 2.1%, with a 5.6% contraction in household consumption.
iTechArt Group and Sapiens are the latest addition to the strong Fintech presence in a country that is the perfect fit for a technological delivery centre.
The Polish government is reportedly working on a retreat on the judicial disputes costing €35 billion in grants and loans, plus a €1 million a day fine.
Famous for its strict fiscal policy and low debt levels, Estonia is a worldwide proven leader in effective taxation where simplicity is prioritized.
In Poland, the risk of annual growth falling to negative is high. And building construction will be one of the weakest spots of the domestic economy in 2023.
In Poland, organic food is going to reach 10% market share by 2030, while natural and organic cosmetics segment has been increasingly recognised.
Individualism is the strongest cultural predictor of economic innovation. And Lithuania is a regional hub thanks to its progressive mindset.
The construction of a magnet factory and R&D centre in Narva will have the capacity to produce magnets made of rare earth metals and recycled ones.
The winner of the auction is UAB Saulės Grąža. The total investment in development and distribution will exceed EUR 90 million.
ELWIND has been listed on the first list of green energy cross-border (CB RES) projects under the EU Connecting Europe Facility (CEF).