Small but smart: strategy compensates for strong rough force
Latvia invests tens of millions of euros to have an army of drones, stimulating national companies and R&D to develop smart production for war use.
Latvia invests tens of millions of euros to have an army of drones, stimulating national companies and R&D to develop smart production for war use.
Rail Baltica is a fully electrified double-track railway, with a 249 km/h design speed, that will reduce times between the Baltics and the rest of Europe.
Riga is paying great attention to clean energy projects which involve a high degree of investment, R&D and nature conservation in return.
LIAA has opened a new support program up to EUR 200,000 for start-ups to attract highly qualified staff in R&D in areas of smart specialization or RIS3.
From the University of Latvia comes the feasibility of generating electricity by converting geothermal or waste heat.
Latvia’s economy is projected to be sluggish: labour costs present risks to growth and competitiveness, while fuelling inflation.
Half of Latvia’s electricity in 2022 came from renewable sources (53.3%). And regarding renewable energy of all sorts, it ranks third in the EU.
The ELWIND offshore wind park will provide electricity of at least 1000 megawatts and create at least 2800 new jobs in Latvia.
Multi-million projects for the construction of new industrial parks in Jelgava, Ventspils, Liepaja, and Daugavpils received the green light.
The core inflation is persistently higher than headline, while expansionary fiscal policy increases the pressure and weaken the competitiveness.