
Local tradition is the bread that nourishes the future

Rye bread is a staple of Latvian cuisine: lots of fiber, low fat, good protein profile, ideal for the trends of the moment.

Yet its consumption in the Nordic Republic has been declining for years: white bread is making its way, while other industrial products such as crackers, breadsticks, and crackers are eroding market share. But the government has a recovery plan.

At the beginning of the next school year, the Ministry of Agriculture will launch a pilot project on rye bread in Latvian schools with the stated future goal of distributing it free of charge to all pupils.

The aim of the relaunch program, explained the TV LSM, is to include Latvian rye bread in the daily meals of pupils from kindergarten to the entire first school cycle (from the first to the ninth grade) and thus contribute to the development of a school catering system that uses agricultural and food products Made in Latvia. The project aims to reach at least 50% of the target audience of 141 thousand students through various activities.

Rye bread to be distributed in schools will have to meet certain requirements, for example, it must be produced in Latvia, traditionally made with natural leavening, contain at least 80% rye flour, and be low in salt. Undoubtedly healthy, it remains to be seen if it will be able to conquer the palate of the new generations.

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