
In its eastern forefront, NATO builds up the Spring offensive

After the invasion of Ukraine, it is even more important to remain united“, told last month US President Joe Biden, who attended the meeting with NATO eastern flank leaders in Warsaw, known as “Bucharest 9”. “You are at the forefront of NATO’s struggle to defend freedom and democracies in Europe and in the world“, the American president told leaders gathered in the Polish capital. “You are at the front and you know what is at stake. The US will defend every inch of NATO territory. Our dedication to NATO is absolutely clear: Article 5 is a sacred commitment made by the United States“. What NATO builds up with such a declaration?

Meanwhile, the first news about supplies of assault rifles from China to Russia began to filter. A decisive step for Beijing from at least two points of view.

The first: Beijing would officially declare its alliance with Moscow, currently present only in the economic sphere. On the war side, in fact, the Dragon has always been reluctant to take a position on the war in Ukraine. Even the “peace plan”, presented a few days ago, has never included the term “peace”, while recognizing Kyiv’s sovereignty over the lost territories.

The second point of view, however, concerns Taiwan. By deploying Chinese weapons in the Ukrainian camp, China could test the level of its weapons compared to Western ones in battle. The results, therefore, would be relevant above all in a perspective of future “reunification” with Taipei, which for years has been trained by the American army with stars and stripes weapons.

Apparently, US President Joe Biden has already set an “end date” for the conflict. And this could be in May. The US Secretary of Defense, John Austin, after the conclusion of the online summit with over 50 pro-Ukrainian countries, reiterated the need “not to waste time”. Indeed, “we are putting together the weapons and military means that will allow Ukraine to regain lost territory“. According to rumors, Kyiv’s major offensive could begin in less than two months, the time needed to bring new tanks and armored vehicles to the country.

Poland, in fact, will be the first Western state to provide the Ukrainian resistance with fighter jets, strongly requested by the Kyiv government to the US in recent months, a hypothesis canceled with a dry “no” by Biden himself. Now, however, the scenario has also changed for the Pentagon: the difficulties of the Russian army in breaking through the lines have apparently convinced the American leaders that they might deliver the decisive blow to Moscow.

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